Sound Sorceresses
Sound Sorceresses Podcast
Illuminating Injustice

Illuminating Injustice

Introducing our July Contributors

Sound Sorceresses is a celebration of the value we bring as technical experts and cultural torchbearers. We’re focused on women actively engaged in audio storytelling.

The second edition of Sound Sorceresses was published on January 1, 2024, and edition three has been ready for your reading pleasure since April 1, 2024.

Sound Sorceresses is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

I literally could not be more thrilled to start showcasing the incredible writers and storytellers that will be joining the Sound Sorceresses community in July! This entire edition is all about showing up as you are and using the priviledge you have to shine a light on injustice.

The work Emma Lehman and Marlene Sharp have been engaged in to shine a light on stories that have been in the dark for too long is truly inspiring. It’s an honor to have their gifts and voices grace the pages of Sound Sorceresses.

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Permission Slip:

Emma Lehman of

is an artist and storyteller who embraces the physical and the digital in her artistry. As an investigative journalist, the stories she shines a light on are (really) award winning. As a photographer and embroidery artist, she uses her hands to make inspiring pieces of art (and sometimes make lemonade out of lemons - yes, she really did make this!).

In her article about the journey of making Gooned , Emma shares:

It turns out that making something with no “permission slip” was not only successful, but was the most rewarding piece of reporting I’ve ever produced. . . We can make a difference, even if all we have is an $80 microphone and an employee discount on refrigerated lasagna.

The Orange County Asperger's Support Group

Did you know that Sound Sorceresses accepts types of content other than articles? I’m guessing no, becuase we’re still so new! But

of Pink Poodle Productions is here to remind us that there is some really incredible work happening in the world of accessibility. The Autism in Entertainment Conference had nearly 400 attendees and for their efforts are pleased to announce that:

The Orange County Asperger’s Support Group (OCASG). . . is being recongized by the Irvine Residents with Disabilities Advisory Board with the 2024 Disability Friendly Community Award.

This speaks to me on a deeply personal level. As a mama of an aspiring filmmaker on the spectrum, it means so much to me that there are incredible people like Marlene and Judi Uttal (president of the Orange County Asperger’s Support Group) who are doing great work to make employment accessible and sustainable for people on the spectrum.

Last week, I shared that I was toying with the idea of organizing some version of a semi-regular, but casual, Sound Sorceresses meetup. 100% of survey respondents said that they would be interested in something like that, but the percentage is somewhat misleading because only one person answered. I’m going to invite you one more time to participate in the poll (it’s below) and we’ll go from there 😀.


Thank you for making it to the end! I’m excited to see you again on June 3!

Sound Sorceresses
Sound Sorceresses Podcast
Sound Sorceresses is a quarterly online magazine highlighting women doing incredible work in audio storytelling. This 'podcast' is a home for the audio that lives in the magazine.
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