Sound Sorceresses
Sound Sorceresses Podcast
Beyond Borders

Beyond Borders

Stories Stitched in Harmony

Sound Sorceresses is a celebration of the value we bring as technical experts and cultural torchbearers. We’re focused on women actively engaged in audio storytelling.

The second edition of Sound Sorceresses was published on January 1, 2024, and edition three has been ready for your reading pleasure since April 1, 2024.

Sound Sorceresses is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Good morning! Welcome back to our weekly newsletter. I'm thrilled to reconnect with you and embark on this journey of celebration and anticipation together.

I know what you might be thinking: “Didn’t I just hear from Rachel last week?”. Yes, you did, and I'm excited to experiment with this weekly newsletter format. Our goal is to build excitement and celebrate the upcoming magazine editions while still honoring the incredible contributors from past editions.

As we transition from the April 2024 magazine to the upcoming July 2024 edition, it's important to shine a spotlight on the talented women who have contributed to our past editions. Their work deserves recognition as we eagerly anticipate the assembly of the next magazine behind the scenes.

In our April edition, Holly Taylor-Zuntz and Susan Thompson of the Voices of the Ancestors podcast graced us with their insightful article. If you haven't experienced Georgian polyphonic singing or need inspiration for your storytelling journey, their work is a must-read.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and highlights from upcoming editions. Let's embark on this journey together and continue celebrating the creativity and talent within our community.

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The Voices of the Ancestors

Mountain view from the remote village of Merisi, 700 metres above sea level, where Holly & Susan traveled to interview 17-year-old Khatia Turmanidze.

Voices of the Ancestors epitomizes the global phenomenon of women uplifting each other. Holly and Susan's enchantment with the traditional three-part harmony songs of the Republic of Georgia reflects not just a musical fascination but a deep appreciation for the cultural tapestry woven by women across the world.

In the realm of Georgian polyphonic singing, recordings featuring men dominate online platforms. While acknowledging the musical prowess of men, it's crucial to recognize that women are equally pivotal in shaping the narrative of our collective history. Holly and Susan's journey has been a continuous quest for knowledge, yet their reflections resonate deeply within the Sound Sorceresses community:

...making the podcast is a constant learning journey in which no two days are the same. If you enjoy hearing women’s stories and songs weaved into an audio tapestry, we hope you’ll enjoy listening to Voices of the Ancestors.

Their story not only celebrates the power of women's voices but also invites listeners to join a vibrant community where every story and every song enriches our understanding of the human experience.

As you know, there’s an active goal here at Sound Sorceresses. I originally asked for your help to connect with 50 writers by May 1, 2024. Many of us struggle with time, but I think we all know it’s past May 1🤣. I am so grateful for all the connections that have resulted in 23 confirmed articles with five more in the works!

AI-Generated image of women writing about their audio storytelling journey

I am still very gladly taking pitches, so if you’re interested in writing, please fill out this form. Please also feel free to recommend folks!

As we close out, I want to thank you very sincerely for your time this week! You can also catch up with us on Facebook and LinkedIn 😊. I’m excited to see you again on May 20!

Sound Sorceresses
Sound Sorceresses Podcast
Sound Sorceresses is a quarterly online magazine highlighting women doing incredible work in audio storytelling. This 'podcast' is a home for the audio that lives in the magazine.
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