Sound Sorceresses
Sound Sorceresses Podcast
Growing through Nurturing

Growing through Nurturing

Celebrating Resilience and Achievement

Sound Sorceresses is a celebration of the value we bring as technical experts and cultural torchbearers. We’re focused on women actively engaged in audio storytelling.

The second edition of Sound Sorceresses was published on January 1, 2024, and edition three has been ready for your reading pleasure since April 1, 2024.

Sound Sorceresses is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

As May unfolds, we have the chance to honor mothers, a celebration often filled with warmth and joy. Yet, it's essential to recognize that Mother's Day can evoke a spectrum of emotions, acknowledging the diverse experiences within our community. This newsletter opens with this awareness, understanding of the complexities that this occasion may hold for many of us.

In my perspective, motherhood transcends biology; it embodies the nurturing and growth of what is good. Today, we spotlight an exceptional individual whose journey exemplifies this ethos. Yaneti Bakele, the president of the Podcast Club at Inver Hills, embodies resilience and growth through her storytelling craft. Her story not only inspires but also underscores the power of nurturing environments in fostering personal development.

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An Interview with Yaneti Bakele

Yaneti Bakele, the powerhouse behind Inver Hills Community College's Podcasting Club joined

for a Sound Sorceresses conversation all about her student leadership journey. From reluctant beginnings to transformative leadership, Yaneti shares the story of how a passion for conversation turned into 'Talking About Your Truth,' the club's popular podcast. Through setbacks and successes, Yaneti's determination shines as she navigates technical challenges and fosters a safe space for authentic storytelling. When it comes to her journey, she says:

If you're really passionate about something, if you really want to do something, don't hold it off and try to wait on it later on and try to go and try new things. Even though it's scary, even though you can feel uncomfortable some days, if you just go out there and do something, it could really not only transform other people's life, but it can also transform your life.

I've had a thought lingering in my mind for quite some time now, and it's time to share it with all of you! Sound Sorceresses is a wonderful community, and I truly cherish the connections we've built through our newsletter and magazine.

I've been pondering the idea of hosting casual digital meetups on a semi-regular basis. These meetups would provide an opportunity for us to come together, discuss our shared interests, and perhaps even explore new ideas. While I envision Zoom-based gatherings every-other-month, lasting around 45 minutes, I'm eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

What do you think? Would you be interested in joining these meetups? Do you have any ideas for topics or formats you'd like to see? Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of our community.

Please take a moment to share your thoughts via the poll below or reach out to me directly. Let's make these meetups something truly special, tailored to the interests and preferences of our amazing readers. I can't wait to hear from you!


As we close out, I want to thank you very sincerely for your time this week! You can also catch up with us on Facebook and LinkedIn 😊. I’m excited to see you again on May 27!

Sound Sorceresses
Sound Sorceresses Podcast
Sound Sorceresses is a quarterly online magazine highlighting women doing incredible work in audio storytelling. This 'podcast' is a home for the audio that lives in the magazine.
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